From Oct. 2-3 hate group ACT for America will host a national conference in Washington, D.C. at the Crystal Gateway Marriott hotel. We need you to help to counteract ACT’s hate that will be spread during this conference.
Why we need your help
From Oct. 2-3 ACT for America will host a national conference in Washington, D.C. at the Crystal Gateway Marriott hotel. ACT and its organizers will use the conference as an opportunity to advance anti-Muslim legislation at the federal level and promote the demonization of Muslim Americans
ACT for America is the largest anti-Muslim group in America. The group targets federal and state policy initiatives that promote anti-Muslim sentiment, and uses its ties to legislators who are sympathetic to the ACT cause to forward their hateful agenda.
ACT for America pushes wild anti-Muslim conspiracy theories and routinely paints all Muslims in a negative fashion. Its founder, Brigitte Gabriel has said that practicing Muslims, “cannot be loyal citizens of the United States.”
We need you to help to counteract ACT’s hate that will be spread during this conference. Use this guide, prepared with help from the Center for New Community.
>> Download images and video to share on social media.
1. Call out ACT’s hate
People around the country will be tweeting using the hashtag #counterACThate to expose ACT’s bigotry and send messages supporting justice. Some will use ACT’s conference hashtag, #ACTCON17, in an attempt to drown out ACT’s hate. Please use one or both hashtags, depending on your preference.
Tweets (click on the links to tweet from your account):
- Between 2015-2016, @SPLCenter saw a 197% increase in anti-Muslim hate groups in the U.S. #counterACThate
- Hate group ACT for America pushes legislation that targets Muslim people. There is no place for hate in policy. #counterACThate
- Hate group ACT for America promotes anti-Muslim, racist and xenophobic rhetoric. #counterACThate
- .@ActforAmerica is trying to suppress Muslim-American’s right to practice religion. #counterACThate
- Hate group ACT for America is hosting a conference in DC to promote an agenda that vilifies Muslims. #counterACThate.
- We stand for tolerance and inclusion. Hate has no place in our country. #counterACThate
- ACT for America spreads anti-Muslim vitriol. Elected officials: Know who you’re meeting with. #CounterACThate
- ACT for America’s founder said practicing Muslims “cannot be loyal citizens of the United States” #CounterACTHate
- Hate group Act for America is meeting in Washington, DC on Oct. 2 and 3. ACT is the largest anti-Muslim group in America. The group targets federal and state policy initiatives that promote anti-Muslim sentiment, and uses its ties to legislators who are sympathetic to the ACT cause to forward their hateful agenda. Learn more about ACT:
- ACT for America pushes wild anti-Muslim conspiracy theories and routinely paints all Muslims in a negative fashion. Its founder, Brigitte Gabriel has said that practicing Muslims, “cannot be loyal citizens of the United States.” Hate has no place in our country. #CounterACTHate
2. Share your messages supporting justice
Take a selfie with a sign reading #counterACThate and posting it along with your message!
Tweets and Instagrams (click on link to tweet from your account)
- I am speaking out against bigotry and white supremacy today, while an anti-Muslim group is lobbying legislators in DC #counterACThate
- My community is stronger and safer when we reject hate! #counterACThate #ACTCON17
- I pledge to show up in support of all communities targeted by anti-Muslim bigotry and violence #counterACThate
3. Contact your member of Congress and ask your followers to do the same
ACT conference attendees are being urged to schedule meetings with members of Congress. Fifty-nine organizations have already signed a letter urging member of Congress not to attend the ACT conference. Tweet at members of Congress to let them know what ACT really is. Find your representative’s Twitter handles here.
- ACT’s bigotry is overt, but they still deny it. Let your Rep. know they could be lobbied by a hate group #counterACThate
- .@[MemberCongress] Don’t get lobbied by hate. ACT for America is an anti-Muslim hate group on the Hill today #counterACThate
- .@[MemberCongress] Pledge to reject anti-Muslim bigotry being peddled by hate group ACT for America! #counterACThate
- .@[MemberCongress] Anti-Muslim group ACT is in DC today. Will you release a statement condemning anti-Muslim bigotry? #counterACThate
- .@[MemberCongress] Your constituents want to know: As hate group ACT gathers in DC, will you condemn their anti-Muslim bigotry? #counterACThate
- .@[MemberCongress] Don’t be fooled. ACT talks about national security, but they’re really a hate group scapegoating Muslims. #counterACThate
4. Sign the petition
The Act for America conference is being held at a Marriott hotel. Sign the petition asking Marriott International to not provide support for a national, racist convention against Muslims and immigrants. Drop ACT for America as a client, because there should be #NoRoomForHate. Sign the petition.