On the eve of July 4, Independence Day, the Trump administration once again demonstrated its callousness toward the most vulnerable members of society.
With the stroke of the pen and using a patently false rationale, Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Trump’s Department of Education rescinded legal guidance touching such sensitive matters as the rights of children, immigrants, and refugees. Sessions claimed that he was actually “restoring the rule of law.”
But, the reality is that the guidance documents were issued pursuant to legal authority exercised by both Republican and Democratic administrations alike. The reality is that Sessions’ actions were nothing more than a continuation of the Trump administration’s attack on civil and human rights.
Sessions may have thought that rescinding civil rights guidance the day before a holiday would escape notice amid the fireworks. But, he’s seriously underestimated our resolve. On July 4th, we will recommit ourselves to the values in our founding documents, the values that have made this country great. And, together we will win.