Profiled here are 15 political candidates who are linked to hate groups or who promote extremist propaganda.
It’s well known that in recent years, this country has seen its electoral politics polarized to an extent that has only rarely been paralleled in American history.
But that polarization in many cases goes far beyond anything resembling mainstream discourse, extending to men and women who are linked to hate groups and racial, ethnic, religious, anti-gay and antigovernment extremism, or who promote extremist propaganda. Their baseless claims typically include demonizing propaganda about certain minority groups, or conspiracy theories that have the same demonizing subtext.
Click here to read profiles of 15 political candidates, including Democrats, Republicans, independents and members of extremist political parties, who are running for office this fall or ran earlier in the year. Research on these candidates was carried out by the SPLC Task Force on Hate in the Public Sphere.