Apply to the SPLC Advocacy Institute to learn how to make positive changes in Mississippi


The Southern Poverty Law Center’s Advocacy Institute in Mississippi is home to a series of training programs supported by SPLC staff, subject matter experts, community-based partner organizations, and other community stakeholders that offer hands-on policy and advocacy training to provide participants with the skills needed to create positive change throughout our communities.

About SPLC’S Advocacy Institute

The Southern Poverty Law Center’s Advocacy Institute is an annual nine-week training program designed to help provide practical, hands-on experience and training in the field of advocacy in Mississippi.

Our program is designed to be an immersive learning experience where our fellows develop the muscle for integrated advocacy and learn all the necessary elements for developing and executing an advocacy plan.

Throughout the program, our fellows will work closely with SPLC staff, subject experts, and other key stakeholders to bring these plans to fruition as they seek to effectuate change within their local communities.

Participants will not only receive a stipend to support their participation in our program, but would also qualify to:

  • Have their advocacy plans be supported and seeded by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).
  • Have their participation be sponsored for participation in Civic Nation’s Community Organizing Program.

The SPLC’s Advocacy Institute teaches skills that are designed to directly help those interested in and/or impacted by societal issues to fight for societal change.

Participants in the SPLC’s Advocacy Institute are eligible for stipends.

  • Application Deadline: Friday, April 11, 2025.
  • Notice of acceptance will be sent by Friday, May 2, 2025.
  • Orientation will take place June 6-7, 2025, in Jackson, Mississippi.

Should you have any questions, please contact [email protected].