For more information on how to cast your ballot, please visit our Georgia Voter Guide.
This FAQ page is available to download (PDF). It also is offered in other languages:
What is a runoff?
In Georgia, a candidate must receive 50% of the vote, or a runoff will be held. Because Sen. Raphael Warnock received 49.42% of the votes, and Herschel Walker received 48.52%, Georgia will host a runoff to determine the next senator.
Who is in the Georgia runoff?
The two candidates are Sen. Raphael Warnock and Herschel Walker.
When is the runoff?
The runoff is Tuesday, Dec. 6, and you can vote early in person from at least Monday, Nov. 28, to Friday, Dec. 2. (Counties can offer early voting before Nov. 28. Check your county’s website to see whether your county started early voting before these dates and what times your polling locations are open.)
Can I vote in the runoff if I didn’t vote in the general election?
Yes! If you are registered but did not vote in the general election, you can still vote in the runoff. You would have needed to register by Nov. 7.
How do I vote in the runoff?
Make a plan to vote early in person from Monday, Nov. 28, through Friday, Dec. 2. (Counties can offer early voting before Nov. 28. Check your county’s website to see whether your county started early voting before these dates and what times your polling locations are open.)
If you can’t vote in person, request an absentee ballot now. Your request must be received by Monday, Nov. 28. Return your ballot as soon as you receive it, via drop box, by delivering it to your board of elections, or by mailing it several days in advance to ensure it is received in time to be counted. All absentee ballots must be received by 7 p.m. EST on Tuesday, Dec. 6, to be counted.
You can vote in person on Election Day, Tuesday, Dec. 6. Please find your polling location here. Bring a valid ID, snacks and water in case of long lines.
I am a college student who lives out of state, how can I vote in the runoff?
If you are registered to vote in Georgia, you can vote via an absentee ballot, request an absentee ballot today! We recommend you return your absentee ballot by Monday, Nov. 28, if possible. Otherwise, make a plan to vote in person.
What are the rules if you have to vote provisionally?
You are entitled to vote using a provisional ballot if there is some issue with verifying your voter registration, eligibility or polling location. You may also vote provisionally after 5 p.m. at a polling place in your county other than the polling place assigned to you.
If you vote provisionally, please make sure that your ballot has been accepted by checking your Georgia Voter Page. If it’s not accepted, you have three business days to provide your county with the information necessary for your ballot to count.
If you have to vote provisionally in the wrong precinct before 5 p.m.?
SB 202 has stated ballots cast before 5 p.m. at the incorrect polling place will not be counted. If you discover that you have gone to the wrong polling place, please go to the correct one to vote.
If you vote provisionally, please make sure that your ballot has been accepted by checking your Georgia Voter Page. If it’s not accepted, you have three business days to provide your county with the information necessary for your ballot to count.