Faith and Heritage, a website launched in 2011 espousing the racist “Kinist” interpretation of Christian theology, announced on Jan. 13 that it would stop publishing articles.
Kinism, which derives its name from a phrase for one’s blood relatives, refers to the belief that biblical scripture specifically proscribes interracial marriage, integration and racial equality, and promotes white nationalism.
Quoting from’s “About” section: “We affirm that all attempts to amalgamate humans into one mixed mass are in open rebellion against God’s law and His sovereignly created boundaries.”
A post on titled “All Good Things Must Come to an End” indicated that the site’s editors and founders believe “F&H has served its purpose.” Beneath the banner “Occidental Christianity for Preserving Western Culture and People,” the site boasted, “Articles we produced in its first five years remain some of the best in existence at helping young Christians reconcile the righteous forms of ethnonationalism with the historical Christian faith.”
Kinism was popular in neo-Confederate groups such as the League of the South in the late 1990s and early 2000s during a time when that movement sought to advance its racist politics behind a fig leaf of religious piety. Adherents of Kinism, known as Kinists, typically justify their racism by arguing that their beliefs are good for the preservation of all races, not just whites.
Kinism failed to gain ground in the larger white nationalist scene due to the fractious nature of its adherents, many of whom are still active in racist causes to this day. While Faith and Heritage is gone, the underlying racial resentment that animated the development of Kinism more than a decade ago is alive and well in the racist right.