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Cooper claims that Sharkhunters is “nonpolitical,” but members of the group include former SS members, neo-Nazis and Holocaust deniers, and Cooper has long advertised for new members in neo-Nazi publications. Cooper also is a conspiracy theorist who believes that Hitler did not commit suicide at...
An itinerant neo-Nazi who joined a whole variety of racist groups over the decades and even operated from Estonia for a time, Cobb became known as an especially vicious character who posted horrific videos of things like Russian neo-Nazis beheading immigrants on his Podblanc video-sharing site. But...
Kreis has fervently advocated the mass murder of Jews, non-whites and "race traitors." He also promoted "lone wolf" domestic terrorism, which he called "leaderless resistance under the radical banner of pan-Aryanism." Although Kreis has frequently ranted against what he regularly described as the...
Intelligence Report

A mother is trying to understand how the sensitive child she raised has become a hateful neo-Nazi.

Intelligence Report

Read profiles of five prominent National Alliance staffers who may play a larger role after Pierce's death.

Intelligence Report

These cases involved Alliance members or William Pierce's writing appears to have inspired criminal acts.

Andrew Anglin is the founder of the neo-Nazi Daily Stormer website, which takes its name from the gutter Nazi propaganda sheet known as Der Stürmer . True to that vintage, Anglin is infamous for the crudity of his language and his thinking, a contrast to his sophistication as a prolific internet...
SPLC Designated Hate Group
In Its Own Words “What happens to blacks in this country at the hand of law enforcement is none of our concern ... other than to prepare to restore order and rebuild our neighborhoods taking back our lands one community at a time. When the enemy destroys … we guard our town borders and make our...
SPLC Designated Hate Group
The Traditionalist Worker Party (TWP) was a neo-Nazi group that advocated for racially pure nations and communities and blamed Jews for many of the world’s problems. The group was intimately allied with other prominent neo-Nazi and other hard-line racist organizations espousing unvarnished white...
