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SPLC Designated Hate Group
On the American Patrol website and in self-produced videos, the group rails against Mexican immigrants, accusing them of bringing to the U.S. crime, drugs and squalor and of practicing “immigration via the birth canal.” Mexicans, in the words of group founder Glenn Spencer , are a “cultural cancer...
He is the president and founder of American Border Patrol and is best known for his effort to establish a "shadow Border Patrol" by using citizen patrols and various sensors and surveillance equipment to track the movement of migrants crossing the Mexico-Arizona border. In His Own Words "Every...
A stalwart on the racist speaking circuit, Lutton has connections to several hate groups, including the white supremacist Council of Conservative Citizens , the Holocaust-denying Institute of Historical Review, and the white nationalist journal The Occidental Quarterly . In His Own Words "We are...
A retired Michigan ophthalmologist, Tanton had white nationalist beliefs and wrote that to maintain American culture, “a European-American majority” is required. In His Own Words “I’ve come to the point of view that for European-American society and culture to persist requires a European-American...
Stein has complained that today’s immigrants are engaged in “competitive breeding” to diminish the power of the white majority and has campaigned to repeal a 1965 immigration law that ended racial quotas that largely restricted immigration to Europeans. He has also served as editorial adviser for...
A former Reagan administration appointee, he is longtime South Carolina political operative with deep roots in the GOP. He is also a lifetime member and board member of the white nationalist Council of Conservative Citizens. In His Own Words “Why don’t you go back to where you came from? Puerto...
Named to the OC Weekly 's "Bob Dornan Scary Orange County Hall of Fame" in 2011, Barbara Coe was known for her diatribes against Mexican “savages” and her wild conspiracy theories, including what she describes as a secret Mexican plan to “reconquer” the American Southwest and a shadowy “New World...
Intelligence Report

John Tanton's network of anti-immigrant groups includes these 13 organizations.

Intelligence Report

Read this addition to the Intelligence Report, found exclusively online, that lays out Tanton's plans to further insert FAIR into U.S. politics.

Intelligence Report

The second 'WITAN' memo reviews FAIR's history and urges FAIR to take on legal — not just illegal — immigrants. Conner's vision for a 'Border Security Project' seems to presage today's controversies involving Ranch Rescue and other groups.
