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Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
June 09, 2015

One sad day, if the religious right gets its way, California residents will be able to make $4,000 or more by becoming bigoted bathroom bullies, targeting transgender Americans.

July 10, 2013

This report examines how hard-line U.S. religious-right groups that have spent decades demonizing LGBT people are focusing their attention – and propaganda – on a legal battle over the criminalization of LGBT sex in Belize, the outcome of which could affect criminal statutes in as many as a dozen other Caribbean countries.

SPLC Designated Hate Group
Initially founded as the National Federation for Decency, the American Family Association (AFA) originally focused on what it considered indecent television programming and pornography. The AFA says it promotes “traditional moral values” in media. A large part of that work involves “combating the...
SPLC Designated Hate Group
FRC often makes false claims about the LGBTQ community based on discredited research and junk science. The intention is to dehumanize LGBTQ people as the organization battles against LGBTQ rights. In the past, this included stances against same-sex marriage, hate-crime laws, anti-bullying programs...
SPLC Designated Hate Group
The group is basically a family-based cult of personality built around its patriarch, Fred Phelps. Typified by its slogan, “God Hates F---,” WBC is known for its harsh anti-gay beliefs and the crude signs its members carry at their frequent protests. In Its Own Words "Filthy sodomites crave...
Cameron dresses up his "studies" with copious footnotes, graphs and charts, and then pays to publish them in certain journals. Cameron's work has been rejected by both the American Psychological Association and the American Sociological Association, yet his ludicrous statistics are frequently...
A zealous opponent of abortion and LGBT rights, he has called homosexuality a “spirit of lawlessness,” suggested that it should be criminalized, and spoken at a highly controversial rally in Uganda where speakers backed a bill authorizing the death penalty for gay men and lesbians in some...
The group advocates for a complete theocracy governed by Old Testament law. He is an outspoken anti-gay activist who regularly hosts and speaks at Christian-right events. In His Own Words: “The Bible is clear on moral issues that are culture killers: homosexuality, homosexual marriage, and abortion...
