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James Lindsay regularly shares conspiracy theories about the supposed communist takeover of the world (especially the United States), promotes “groomer” rhetoric against the LGBTQ community and spreads the “white genocide” theory that Marxists want to eradicate the white race. With alarmism and...
Among its enduring storylines is the "birther" theory advanced by columnist Jerome Corsi, who asserts that President Obama is ineligible to serve because he was not born in America, a baseless claim long since abandoned by most of the political right. In Its Own Words "It’s important to understand...
Although their website claims not to be affiliated with the sovereign citizen movement, the NLA, and in its former incarnation as the New York Liberty Alliance (NYLA), has propagated antigovernment conspiracy theories and other radical beliefs commonly found among sovereign citizens, such as Agenda...
As an organization, VOP advances initiatives that are founded on common antigovernment and anti-immigrant ideas. The group has also pushed anti-Indigenous, antisemitic, anti-Catholic and anti-Mormon falsehoods. VOP activists have incorporated QAnon conspiracy theories into their activities as well...
James Timothy Turner is an antigovernment “sovereign citizen” and the former president of the Republic for the united States of America (RuSA), once the largest sovereign group in America. Like many sovereigns, Turner spent years peddling theories on “mortgage relief,” which in fact were simply...
Larry Klayman is a pathologically litigious attorney and professional gadfly notorious for suing everyone from Iran’s Supreme Leader to his own mother. He has spent years denouncing Barack Obama as a crypto-Communist Muslim, convening meaningless “citizens grand juries,” and railing against an...
Tom DeWeese has built a career of issuing scary warnings about Agenda 21, a completely voluntary United Nations set of principles for sustainable resource management. Where others see sensible environmental guidelines, DeWeese finds sinister land-grabbing socialist UN initiatives that threaten...
Larry Pratt stands at the intersection of guns and Jesus, lobbying for absolutely unrestricted distribution of firearms while advocating a theocratic society based upon Old Testament civil and religious laws. A pivotal figure in the rise of right-wing militia, or “Patriot,” groups, he spoke at the...
KrisAnne Hall is an antigovernment lawyer and activist in Florida who describes herself as a “constitutional attorney.” Hall runs a business called Constitutional Education and Consulting and travels the country preaching that U.S. citizens do not need to comply with the government. She also heads...
