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Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
August 15, 2003

An array of right-wing foundations and think tanks support efforts to make bigoted and discredited ideas respectable.

Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
April 15, 2003

The guilty plea of white supremacist David Duke for corruption is only the latest episode in the life of a voracious con man.

Features and Stories
March 01, 2003

On January 25, 2003, about 75 white supremacists from various organizations staged a one-hour protest in front of the Center's offices and the Civil Rights Memorial.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
December 18, 2002

Moderate members of the Sons of Confederate Veterans defeated the candidacy of an infamous white supremacist lawyer in August. But extremists managed to take over most of the 106-year-old "heritage" organization anyway.

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
September 20, 2002

When a black supremacist cult leader moved to rural Georgia, folks took a live-and-let-live approach — until Dwight York and his United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors launched an all-out campaign against "white devils" and "house n------."

Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
June 18, 2002

Two liberal San Francisco attorneys got involved in the Aryan Brotherhood. It cost them their freedom, and their souls.
