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Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
December 06, 2000

Trading on the name of a group of black militants famous in the 1960s and 1970s, the "new" Panthers portrayed themselves as the only men bold enough to take on the violent racism of the Klan and other white supremacists.

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
December 06, 2000

In at least six states, guards have appeared in mock Klan attire in recent years, and guards have been accused of race-based threats, beatings and even shootings in 10 states. In addition, suits have been filed in at least 13 states by black guards alleging racist harassment or violence from their own colleagues.

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
December 06, 2000

After almost a quarter of a century in the Pacific Northwest, the neo-Nazi Aryan Nations is at the end of the line in the wake of a $6.3 million civil judgment.

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
December 06, 2000

World Church of the Creator leader Matt Hale denounces an interracial union as a wedding worthy of death.
