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Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 29, 2008

Since being denounced by Republican National Committee Chairman Jim Nicholson for its "racist views", the Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC) has had an increasingly difficult time attracting politicians and other mainstream figures.

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 29, 2008

A key opponent of 'birthright citizenship' claims that the courts have misinterpreted the Constitution. But he's wrong

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 29, 2008

Next time you find yourself stuck in traffic miles from work — or school or home or daycare — don't blame poor urban planning, low carpooling rates or inadequate public transportation. Blame immigrants.

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 29, 2008

The American Legion, joining the ranks of an angry nativist movement, recently published an anti-immigrant attack replete with falsehoods. Latino veterans groups aren't amused
