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Thomas Ryan Rousseau grew up in the suburbs of Dallas, Texas, where he attended Coppell High School. He honed his propaganda skills in the school’s newspaper, which later propelled his rapid ascension into leadership on the racist right, first with Vanguard America and later with his founding of...
A glance at Stefan Molyneux’s subscriber count (650,000+) on YouTube suggests that he is a charismatic, persuasive and influential individual. A skilled propagandist and an effective communicator within the racist “alt-right” and pro-Trump ranks, his promotion of scientific racism and eugenics to a...
Roosh has repeatedly advocated for predatory and forceful sexual behavior in his books, on his Roosh V blog and on his popular manosphere platform, Return of Kings. He pushes the idea that women are intellectually inferior to men, worth only the sexual pleasure and fertility they can provide and...
