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Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
February 11, 2018

The radical right started the year on a roll, with allies in the White House. But then came Charlottesville, and the movement was knocked back on its heels. Still, Trump's rhetoric and the country's changing demographics continue to buoy the movement.

Cernovich is one of America’s most visible right-wing provocateurs, known for boosting or generating massively successful conspiracy theories like #Pizzagate . He made his career on trolling the liberal establishment by accusing people of pedophilia or child sex trafficking. Armed with a law degree...
Roosh has repeatedly advocated for predatory and forceful sexual behavior in his books, on his Roosh V blog and on his popular manosphere platform, Return of Kings. He pushes the idea that women are intellectually inferior to men, worth only the sexual pleasure and fertility they can provide and...
Paul Elam is a male supremacist and a prominent leader within the men’s rights movement. Male supremacy is a hateful ideology rooted in the belief of the innate superiority of cis gender men and their right to subjugate women, trans men, and non-binary people. Men’s rights activists are a subgroup...
