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Although at one time he had access to leading politicians, Carto eventually became infamous for his pro-Nazi and rabidly anti-Jewish views and lost those connections. In 1978, he founded the first major American Holocaust-denial outfit, the Institute for Historical Review . Throughout his career,...
He had his own cable TV hate program in the 1990s and has led several racist protests over the years in his hometown of Richmond, Va. A long-time and dedicated admirer of former Klansman David Duke, Doggett heads the Virginia chapter of the European American Unity and Rights Organization (EURO), a...
A member of the terrorist group The Order, which was responsible for the 1984 assassination of Jewish radio host Alan Berg and many other crimes, Lane became even more of a movement icon after penning what rapidly became the best-known slogan of the U.S. white supremacist movement, the so-called "...
Kevin DeAnna’s Youth for Western Civilization (YWC) – a far-right youth organization that he ran from 2006 to 2012 – served as the institutional basis for the web-savvy white nationalist movement that would come to be known as the “alt-right.” While DeAnna faded from the public eye in 2012 after...
Peter Brimelow’s career as an anti-immigrant proponent spans three decades. He’s been one of the leading voices in the movement since the mid-1990s. The former Forbes editor and National Review columnist founded VDARE in 1999, and the site soon became a haven for anti-immigrant and white...
Since losing that case (and penning a 2002 coming-out essay entitled, "It's the Jews, Stupid!!!"), Steele has become a regular on the anti-Semitic and racist circuit. Steele envisions a future race war in the U.S., with white Americans forced to retreat to the Northwest. In his own words "To the...
At the same time, he worked as an informant for the FBI between 2003 and 2007, providing information on white supremacist groups for the same government he frequently railed against. On his radio show, Turner has ranted about "bull-dyke lesbians," "savage Negro beasts," "f------," and even joked...
In His Own Words: “Whites have, on average, more neurons and cranial size than blacks… Blacks have an advantage in sport because they have narrower hips — but they have narrower hips because they have smaller brains.” --J. Philippe Rushton, speaking at the 2000 American Renaissance conference “...
Kelso joined the neo-Nazi group National Alliance in 2003. He then spent two years living in former Klan leader David Duke ’s house while working as his personal assistant, all the while serving as a moderator for hate web guru Don Black ’s forum, Stormfront . In 2010, Kelso joined the racist...
MacDonald also argues that anti-Semitism, far from being an irrational hatred for Jews, is a logical reaction to Jewish success in societies controlled by other ethnic or racial groups. After the publication of a 2007 Intelligence Report exposé detailing MacDonald's anti-Semitism, his teaching...
