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January 20, 2017

Two antigovernment activists accused of digging trenches and bulldozing a road during a takeover of an Oregon wildlife refuge want to prevent a jury from hearing how much it cost to repair the damage at the archaeological site.

Features and Stories
January 18, 2017

How did Dylann Roof go from being someone who was not raised in a racist home to someone so steeped in white supremacist propaganda that he murdered nine African Americans during a Bible study?

January 09, 2017

Federal prosecutors in Oregon are attempting to block a self-described antigovernment “Patriot” blogger from continuing to publish names of individuals he contends were FBI informants during last year’s standoff at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. 

December 20, 2016

In the weeks leading into and following President-elect Donald Trump’s appointment of Gen. Mike Flynn as his key national security advisor, civil rights groups and the media were quick to point out Flynn’s long history of work with the organized anti-Muslim movement. As it turns out, Flynn has a lengthy history of rhetoric attacking Muslims on Twitter, too. 
