Content warning: This article contains graphic language, including antisemitic and racist rhetoric and descriptions of antisemitic violence. Reader discretion is advised.
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Content warning: This article contains graphic language, including antisemitic and racist rhetoric and descriptions of antisemitic violence. Reader discretion is advised.
Neo-Nazis advertised a white-power rock show to be followed by a march into gay neighborhood, but they never showed up to face the hundreds who turned out to protest their plans.
After shooter reportedly vowed ‘no more baby parts,’ politicians and pundits who spread the deceptively edited video smear of the women’s health care provider run from their rhetoric.
White supremacists involved in Minneapolis mayhem left behind a trail of emails, chat rooms, websites, reveling in the extremist right.
Large Boise crowd backs resettlement program, but ‘III Percenter’ critics voice their venom
On Fox, Spencer, Gabriel whip up fears about Syrian refugees by claiming a terrorism connection.
Well-orchestrated campaign to tie refugees to terrorism reaches fever pitch as officials react to dubious reports.
Once again, LGBT-friendly community attracts violence from the outside.
Rally on steps of Capitol in Boise is only the latest example of how antigovernment extremists are helping fuel a bonfire of Islamophobia in rural areas.
The handsome black sheriff with the baritone voice is the conservative media's latest darling, but his background and the beliefs he espouses are deeply disturbing.
The revamped comic-book hero takes on masked, armed border vigilantes – and given the history of such militias, it's not a stretch.