White supremacist charged with planting a bomb along the route of Sopkane's Martin Luther King Jr. Day parade
White supremacist charged with planting a bomb along the route of Sopkane's Martin Luther King Jr. Day parade
A Mississippi teen was headed for a life of racist violence and hatred. Then a mysterious black stranger stepped into his life
Six years after its leader was sent to prison, the neo-Nazi group now called The Creativity Movement is showing signs of life
Legal woes mount for neo-Nazi leader Bill White and white supremacist blogger Hal Turner, two men who tested the limits of free-speech protections with threats.
A leading member of a now-defunct ‘esoteric’ neo-Nazi group describes its unusual beliefs and how he came to reject them
Bill White found guilty of threatening the foreman of the jury that convicted WCOTC leader Matt Hale.
Neo-Nazis throw their support behind Arizona's controversial anti-immigrant S.B. 1070 law.
When self-described Aryan Nations national director Paul Mullet went looking in February for a place to establish a new headquarters, he headed west to Grants County, Ore.
A white supremacist who worked as a prison guard in Pennsylvania is facing murder charges and a possible death penalty.
The National Alliance, once a neo-Nazi powerhouse, has become the object of ridicule. It's also home to a wide array of criminals