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SPLC Designated Hate Group
Identity Evropa members insist they’re not racist, but “identitarians” who are interested in preserving Western culture. The group owes its style and ideology to the European identitarian movement . Founded in 2016 by Iraq war veteran Nathan Damigo , Identity Evropa has always operated with an eye...
Allsup built his brand on base, reactionary conservative tropes, appealing to Donald Trump's supporters, and creating "triggering" videos, before fully descending into the white nationalist politics of the alt-right. Allsup has spoken at alt-right events such as Richard Spencer’s Free Speech Rally...
Formed as the “tactical defense arm” of the Proud Boys, the Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights (FOAK) has become an accelerant for violence at right-wing rallies. The group’s founder, repeat-felon Kyle Chapman, organized FOAK after a melee with counter-protestors in Berkeley, California, to “protect...
SPLC Designated Hate Group
Founded in 1997 by attorney Brad Dacus, who is currently its president, the Pacific Justice Institute (PJI) calls itself a “legal organization specializing in the defense of religious freedom, parental rights, and other civil liberties.” Throughout its existence PJI has proved to be a hate group ,...
SPLC Designated Hate Group
ACPeds opposes adoption by LGBTQ couples, links homosexuality to pedophilia, endorses so-called reparative or sexual orientation conversion therapy for homosexual youth, believes transgender people have a mental illness and has called transgender health care for youth child abuse. In its own words...
Andrew “weev” Auernheimer first made headlines as a prolific internet troll and hacker, a denizen of 4chan known for lashing out at perceived enemies online. But his antisemitism was never well disguised. After serving a 15-month prison sentence on hacking-related charges that were overturned on a...
SPLC Designated Hate Group
The World Congress of Families (WCF) was formed in 1997 in a meeting in Russia between American academic and Reagan appointee to the National Commission on Children, Allan Carlson, and the Russian intellectuals Anatoly Antonov and Viktor Medkov. Though its origins are in the American Christian...
SPLC Designated Hate Group
For example, a 2016 article on the FSM website stated bluntly , "Fighting and attacking others with knives and other sharp objects appears to be in the Muslim DNA." FSM's longtime president Carol Taber was also a vocal proponent of the racist "Birther" conspiracy theory. In its own words “It is...
Cernovich is one of America’s most visible right-wing provocateurs, known for boosting or generating massively successful conspiracy theories like #Pizzagate . He made his career on trolling the liberal establishment by accusing people of pedophilia or child sex trafficking. Armed with a law degree...
SPLC Designated Hate Group
Atomwaffen Division (AWD) is a terroristic neo-Nazi organization that formed out of Iron March, an influential fascist forum that went offline in fall 2017. AWD is organized as a series of terror cells that work toward civilizational collapse. Its members, who can be fairly described as...
