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Andrew “weev” Auernheimer first made headlines as a prolific internet troll and hacker, a denizen of 4chan known for lashing out at perceived enemies online. But his antisemitism was never well disguised. After serving a 15-month prison sentence on hacking-related charges that were overturned on a...
SPLC Designated Hate Group
The World Congress of Families (WCF) was formed in 1997 in a meeting in Russia between American academic and Reagan appointee to the National Commission on Children, Allan Carlson, and the Russian intellectuals Anatoly Antonov and Viktor Medkov. Though its origins are in the American Christian...
SPLC Designated Hate Group
Atomwaffen Division (AWD) is a terroristic neo-Nazi organization that formed out of Iron March, an influential fascist forum that went offline in fall 2017. AWD is organized as a series of terror cells that work toward civilizational collapse. Its members, who can be fairly described as...
Roosh has repeatedly advocated for predatory and forceful sexual behavior in his books, on his Roosh V blog and on his popular manosphere platform, Return of Kings. He pushes the idea that women are intellectually inferior to men, worth only the sexual pleasure and fertility they can provide and...
SPLC Designated Hate Group
The Dustin Inman Society is a Georgia-based anti-immigrant hate group founded and led by activist D.A. King. The Southern Poverty Law Center lists it as an anti-immigrant hate group because it denigrates immigrants and supports efforts to make the lives of immigrants so hard that they leave on...
James Mason’s involvement with this country’s organized neo-Nazi movement dates back to the late 1960s. He joined George Lincoln Rockwell ’s American Nazi Party as a teenager, where he first met Dr. William Pierce , author of The Turner Diaries . Years after Rockwell was assassinated by one of his...
SPLC Designated Hate Group
Made up of small, terroristic cells, The Base believes society should be pushed to collapse so a white ethnostate can arise out of the ruins. It is not an organization that seeks to build popular appeal. Instead, groups like The Base seek to inspire a small number of actors to commit themselves...
SPLC Designated Hate Group
Disclaimer: SPLC uses the term Radical Hebrew Israelite to differentiate from the greater Hebrew Israelite faith. Hebrew Israelites should not be confused with Black Jews or Jewish individuals of color. SPLC no longer refers to these groups as solely Black Hebrew Israelites, as there are Latin and...
James Lindsay regularly shares conspiracy theories about the supposed communist takeover of the world (especially the United States), promotes “groomer” rhetoric against the LGBTQ community and spreads the “white genocide” theory that Marxists want to eradicate the white race. With alarmism and...
A central theme of anti-LGBTQ organizing and ideology is the opposition to LGBTQ rights or support of homophobia, heterosexism and/or cisnormativity often expressed through demonizing rhetoric and grounded in harmful pseudoscience that portrays LGBTQ people as threats to children, society and often...
