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Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
March 15, 1998

The increasing extreme racism and antigovernment posturing of the Christian Identity faith accompanies a rise in Identity believers.

SPLC Designated Hate Group
In recent years, VDARE’s audience has grown to include not just more mainstream anti-immigrant groups, but also other prominent figures on the right, ranging from Fox News hosts to the Trump administration. Drawing on Brimelow’s previous stature in the conservative movement, along with the...
SPLC Designated Hate Group
Founded in Dallas, the group portrays itself as a militant, modern-day expression of the black power movement. Although it frequently engages in armed protests of alleged police brutality, non-racist, left wing members of the original Black Panther Party of the 1960s and 1970s have rejected the new...
SPLC Designated Hate Group
Originally founded by a group that included many Southern university professors, over the years the group lost its academic luster as it became more explicitly racist. The League denounces the federal government and Northern and Coastal states as part of a materialist and anti-religious society...
Metzger, a neo-Nazi, was one of the early pioneers of using cable television to promote his message. WAR was bankrupted by a 1990 Southern Poverty Law Center civil lawsuit over the murder of Mulugeta Seraw , a Black college student and father. In the 1980s, Metzger served as a kind of ideologue and...
Gripped by paranoid fantasies about Muslims destroying the West from within, Gaffney claims that “creeping Sharia,” or Islamic religious law, is a dire threat to American democracy. In 1988, he founded the neoconservative turned anti-Muslim think tank Center for Security Policy . He favors...
The younger Wildmon had previously run the AFA’s Internet news site. Tim Wildmon depicts gay people as perverted and sinful in frequent online fundraising missives and has urged boycotts of a wide array of gay-friendly corporations. The group’s websites and Wildmon’s daily radio show, “Today’s...
In his own words “We’re going to be back here, and we’re going to humiliate all of these people who opposed us. We’ll be back here 1,000 times if necessary. I always win. Because I have the will to win, I keep going until I win.” — Interview with, several days after the 2017 “Unite...
