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Formed as the “tactical defense arm” of the Proud Boys, the Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights (FOAK) has become an accelerant for violence at right-wing rallies. The group’s founder, repeat-felon Kyle Chapman, organized FOAK after a melee with counter-protestors in Berkeley, California, to “protect...
SPLC Designated Hate Group
The World Congress of Families (WCF) was formed in 1997 in a meeting in Russia between American academic and Reagan appointee to the National Commission on Children, Allan Carlson, and the Russian intellectuals Anatoly Antonov and Viktor Medkov. Though its origins are in the American Christian...
Cernovich is one of America’s most visible right-wing provocateurs, known for boosting or generating massively successful conspiracy theories like #Pizzagate . He made his career on trolling the liberal establishment by accusing people of pedophilia or child sex trafficking. Armed with a law degree...
Nehlen acts as an elder statesman for a group of white supremacists intent on pushing their movement in a terroristic direction. Experts on extremism sometimes refer to this supremacist philosophy as a “leaderless resistance,” built on sporadic bursts of violence such as mass shootings. Nehlen is...
SPLC Designated Hate Group
Made up of small, terroristic cells, The Base believes society should be pushed to collapse so a white ethnostate can arise out of the ruins. It is not an organization that seeks to build popular appeal. Instead, groups like The Base seek to inspire a small number of actors to commit themselves...
Stephen Miller is credited with shaping the racist and draconian immigration policies of President Trump, which include the zero-tolerance policy, also known as family separation, the Muslim ban and ending the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. Miller has also “ purged ”...
Through his nightly “America First” show and his America First Foundation, Fuentes has stated his aim is to remake the Republican Party into “a truly reactionary party.” In livestreams and public appearances, Fuentes has described his goal as working within the political system to become “the right...
In this article • Background • Disinformation agenda • Russian influence • Ties to white supremacists • Ties to Polish neofascists • Male supremacy agenda • Ties to mainstream figures Jack Posobiec presents himself to the public, misleadingly, as a journalist. The social media company Twitter...
Larry Pratt stands at the intersection of guns and Jesus, lobbying for absolutely unrestricted distribution of firearms while advocating a theocratic society based upon Old Testament civil and religious laws. A pivotal figure in the rise of right-wing militia, or “Patriot,” groups, he spoke at the...
The group has targeted New England’s immigrant, LGBTQ+, and Jewish communities, as well as antifascist and other left-leaning activists. Its leader, Christopher Hood, and many of its members have faced criminal charges, in some cases related to their racist activism. The group rose to prominence on...
