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Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
October 30, 2006

Proponer leyes en contra de los 'extranjeros ilegales' puede incrementar la popularidad de los políticos, pero los resultados serán costosos litigios que sus localidades perderán.

Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
October 26, 2006

El 'movimiento' organizado anti-inmigración, cada vez más profundamente relacionado con los grupos de odio racial, está dominado por un solo hombre, John Tanton.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
October 26, 2006

En Georgia, estado al que han llegado cerca de 1 millón de inmigrantes hispanos desde 1990, se está incrementando el odio y violencia originados por la xenofobia

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
October 26, 2006

El Proyecto anti-inmigración Minuteman desató una avalancha de imitadores. Algunos realmente dan miedo.

Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
October 25, 2006

Mientras los extremistas pregonan su retórica anti-inmigrantes a lo largo de la conflictiva frontera de Arizona, se avecina una tormenta

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
October 19, 2006

Passing anti-'illegal alien' laws may make politicians popular, but the result will be costly litigation that their localities will lose.

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
October 19, 2006

Arkansas State Sen. Jim Holt's claim that '10,000 studies' showed gays make bad parents went unchallenged on NPR. Holt later said he got the number from Focus on the Family founder James Dobson.

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
October 19, 2006

The East Bay Coalition for Border Security claims on its website to be "a racially diverse organization" with "NO ROOM for Racists, Socialists, or Communists!"

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
October 19, 2006

Activists say a black anti-immigration movement is gathering steam. But it seems to be largely the creation of white people.

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
October 19, 2006

Brandishing insults and a gun, Roy Warden routinely threatens Latinos with death. Some observers fear the worst.
