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December 10, 2014

A slate of national and state antigovernment “Patriot” movement figures—including former Arizona Sheriff Richard Mack, antigovernment propagandist Mike Vanderboegh and Ammon Bundy, the son of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy—is scheduled to lead Saturday’s “We Will Not Comply” rally in Olympia, Wash., protesting a gun-control measure taking effect this month.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
November 21, 2014

Columbia University expert Donald Green argues that hate crimes tend to spike when rapid in-migration of minority groups occurs in formerly white neighborhoods. Perhaps that helps explain the sheer ugliness of the events in Murrieta, Calif., this July — events that came during the week of Independence Day, when Americans gather to celebrate our country and its democratic values.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
November 21, 2014

A movement was born this summer during the crisis over migrant children at the border. Are the vigilante extremists back for good?

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 20, 2014

A timeline describes the development of the conflict between the radical right and the federal government over public lands.

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 20, 2014

Rancher Cliven Bundy has long been at odds with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). For 20 years he has taken an increasingly defiant stance toward the agency, refusing to pay what is now more than $1 million in grazing fees and fines to a federal government he does not recognize.

