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Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
February 17, 2016

The number of “nativist extremist” groups — organizations that go beyond mere advocacy to personally confront suspected undocumented immigrants or those who hire or help them — dropped again last year, falling from 19 to just 17.

Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
February 17, 2016

Anti-Muslim hatred ratcheted up sharply after the Islamic State attacks in Paris. Then came San Bernardino and Donald Trump.

January 22, 2016

After months of echoing the American racist right—promising to catalogue all American Muslims, accusing immigrants of being rapists, proposing to build a wall covering the entire U.S.-Mexico border—Donald Trump was caught retweeting a racist Twitter account. 

December 28, 2015

The year 2015 is drawing to a close with a continuing wave of firebombings and apparent hate crimes at mosques in various U.S. cities, including Christmas-weekend arson attacks in California and Texas.
