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Features and Stories
July 25, 2007

The Southern Poverty Law Center today filed suit against the nation's second-largest Klan group and five Klansmen, saying two members were on a recruiting mission for the group in July 2006 when they savagely beat a teenage boy at a county fair in Kentucky.

Features and Stories
July 03, 2007

A "national underground network" of pink pistol-packing lesbians is terrorizing America. "All across the country," they are raping young girls, attacking heterosexual males at random, and forcibly indoctrinating children as young as 10 into the LGBT lifestyle, according to a shocking June 21 segment on the popular Fox News Channel program, "The O'Reilly Factor."

Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
July 01, 2007

La organización San Diego Minutemen, un grupo nativista particularmente virulento, se está haciendo de un nombre rufianesco en el Sur de California

Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
July 01, 2007

The San Diego Minutemen, a particularly virulent nativist group, is making a thuggish name for itself. But it is also wracked with serious internal problems.

Features and Stories
May 23, 2007

The Minuteman Civil Defense Corps (MCDC), a nativist extremist group whose "civilian border watch" operations generated widespread media coverage and a flood of donations, appears to be imploding.

Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
April 20, 2007

Several members of the extended Phelps family, which makes up most of the notorious anti-gay hate group Westboro Baptist Church, are ensconced within the Kansas State Department of Corrections (DOC), a prison advocacy group reported in December.

Features and Stories
January 18, 2007

Students and teachers at Central High School in Little Rock, Ark., are revisiting the historic events of 1957, when nine courageous black students enrolled there to test the Supreme Court's decision outlawing racial segregation in public schools, according to the Spring 2007 edition of Teaching Tolerance.

Features and Stories
January 17, 2007

The growing number of "radical traditionalist Catholics," men and women who angrily reject many of the Vatican's core teachings, may form the single largest group of hard-core anti-Semites in America, according to a report, The New Crusaders, released today in the latest issue of the Southern Poverty Law Center's Intelligence Report.
